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Kurt Bell
Jun 24, 20232 min read
☀️ The Good Life - 06/24/2023 - Headless seal
There was a dead seal on the beach yesterday. A shark had clearly taken a sizable bite out of its side, and the seal’s head was missing....
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Kurt Bell
Jun 14, 20232 min read
☀️ The Good Life - 06/14/2023 - My tumor is benign *
The hole in my body is nearly healed. The gash in my side where a surgeon cut me open to dig out a tumor to see what it is. It’s benign....
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Kurt Bell
Jun 12, 20233 min read
☀️ The Good Life - 06/12/2023 - In a barrel towards Niagara
It’s nice getting old. There’s no age better than now, though I expect tomorrow might be better still. Sure, I’m a bit crippled with...
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Kurt Bell
May 28, 20233 min read
☀️ The Good Life - 05/28/2023 - Staid at dawn
Another sound night of sleep. Deep, dark and dreamless. A sleep like death is such a delight to awake from. Morning after the deepest...
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Kurt Bell
May 24, 20233 min read
☀️ The Good Life - 05/24/2023 - Sharpened mind
I awoke this morning with the sharpest mind I can remember. Where did this come from? Clarity of thought like my twenties. Halcyon days...
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Kurt Bell
Dec 11, 20223 min read
The Good Life - 12/11/2022 - A rainy Sunday morning *
It’s a rainy day. Good thing our housework and shopping are done. It’s tempting now to rest, to sit on the sofa and watch a movie. But...
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Kurt Bell
Dec 9, 20222 min read
Day 26 ocean swim
I stumbled and cut my leg open on my way to the beach. warm blood trickling down to my ankle. No biggie. The sea’ll sort this out. And so...
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Kurt Bell
Nov 15, 20222 min read
Day seven ocean swim
I used my lunch break today for a swim. The midday mood at the beach is different from evening; warmer, more beachie, less foreboding...
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Nailing a job interview
Responding to a viewer who asked me to make a video sharing tips for succeeding at a job interview.
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20201 min read
Recalling a time with another community and another way of life.
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Yelling at a deaf and mute girl
Reflecting on how I might use Stoic principles to handle a challenging moment.
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Live with Emily
An impromptu vlog with my daughter, Emily. We were out for a day long motorcycle ride running errands and visiting family...
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Why I gave up Japan
I began this live stream to discuss the reason I seemingly abandoned my connection to my friends in Japan from the JVLOG community.
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Kurt Bell
Sep 18, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Emily asked me to make this video
My grown daughter asked me to make this video in order to share a little about what’s happening in our lives and to perhaps kick off...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 29, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Sand or coal?
The opportunity to stay or to go. I say always go. Especially when we are young—always go. For the wonder of what we have left behind is...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 28, 20206 min read
STOIC POETRY | The beginning of Going Alone
I remember when I first thought up the idea of Going Alone. My family and I were living then in Japan, and I was making YouTube videos...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 27, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | No more free will
I once imagined I was steering my own life in a very full and meaningful way. Full control. Nearly complete, adult, and independent...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 26, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | To walk alone among ghosts
I was never very afraid of the dark, or the things which come out after the sun goes down, to wander, and slither, and creep, and fly...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 25, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | Sailing the inner sea
There is a sea within us upon which circumstance presses restless winds night and day; forming crests and troughs, moving over the face...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 24, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Infrastructure
There is an inward architecture which we create through the fact and consequence of our decisions and actions, which become the...
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