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The purpose and intent of
Going Alone and The Good Life

The problem of...

Individuals growing up within, adopting, or abiding communities or systems of belief based on dogma, tradition, authority, or faith; and the resulting confusion and upset which may result when these same individuals begin to doubt, question, or reject such paradigm.



  • Coming out of a value system based on dogma, tradition, authority, or faith

  • Struggling with a sense of purposelessness

  • In need of an empirical, reason-based value structure

  • Seeking a like-minded community of people not afraid of the dark

The impact of which is...

  • Coming out of a value system based on dogma, tradition, authority, or faith
    Those who come to doubt beliefs based on dogma, tradition, authority, or faith may find themselves wanting some other means of discerning what is true from what is simply comforting or sufficient to keep back the night. A new epistemology is needed, one based on better ways of looking at the world and gauging what is true more than simply what is sanctioned, correct, or how things “have always been done”; a system alright with reality as it really is, rather than reality as we’d simply like it to be.

  • Struggling with a sense of purposelessness
    Individuals without purpose, or who are doubting the purpose they currently hold, may feel alone and disconnected in a world which seemingly does not care.

  • In need of an empirical, reason-based value structure
    Humans require values to live well, and something to live for. And when our previous value structure is questioned or rejected, we may then need something else to take the place of dogma, tradition, authority, and faith which we no longer believe as true.

  • Seeking a like-minded community of people not afraid of  the dark
    Losing belief may result in separation, expulsion, or even excommunication from the communities where we did previously belong.

A successful solution would...

  • Help those coming out of a value system based on dogma, tradition, authority, or faith
    Help soften the landing and reduce the sense of loss, pain, and alienation after the fall.
    Provide a sense of purpose
    Help individuals to develop a life purpose based on well-considered values and interests.

  • Provide an empirical, reason-based value structure
    Provide examples of objectives and principals founded on the reality of the world we live in. and maintained through reasoned examination of life and critical and honest self-discovery.

  • Create and promote a like-minded community of people not afraid of the dark
    Create a place where reason-minded individuals can come together to build, grow, and maintain community.

Going Alone and The Good Life are
my answer to this mission


Going Alone was begun by Kurt Bell in an effort to help others understand and manage  the recognition of the apparent indifference of the universe to our well being, happiness or even our existence, and to find ways to make a good life in spite of this fact.

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© by Kurt Bell

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