Kurt Bell
I have been on the Internet for a long time. Mostly, I have made videos on YouTube. For over a decade I explored the wilderness in Japan and shared what I found there over several different YouTube channels. Click here to visit my main channel. And here to find me on Facebook. While living in Japan, I picked up the nickname "softypapa" which I have used across many venues of branded content. If you search for that name you'll find a lot more of what I've done and see who I've been and become since roughly 2003.
In 2014, I returned with my family to the USA in order to start a new chapter of life together and begin another Great Life Adventure with the Japanese woman who has shared over three decades of life with me. Together, we have a grown daughter, who is a child of two worlds in the truest sense of the word. My wife's name is Yumiko. Our daughter is Emily.
In 2015, I recognized something in the deep desert which I call The Great Indifference. That recognition, and the subsequent realizations and ideas I developed led to the writing of my first book, Going Alone. This website and the associated blog, social media and scheduled book readings are my way of sharing further what I have found with anyone who might be interested - but especially with those who may already have perceived, on their own, The Great Indifference, and who may be struggling to figure out just what to do next.
Do not be afraid of what is not out there. Face it. Walk towards it. Discover for yourself if it is not real. And then, if you have a mind to make something more of your life than the mere passing of time, then roll up your sleeves and begin forming meaning from the connections, moments and opportunities which are all you will ever really have. And while you are at it, please remember to...
Be safe... But not to safe!