Here's a bathhouse (sento 銭湯 in Japanese) located close to the airport in Shizuoka, Japan. Though closed for the last few years the business has a long local history and dates from the Japanese feudal (Edo) period. The current owner recently retired, though he still lives nearby and wants to help the new owner re-open the baths. He's even offering his help and expertise with both remodeling and the technical needs required to get the bath-works operational. If you don't want his help he's willing to reduce the sale price by $7,000 (but you ought to take his help as I think he really wants to help). The facility comes with two kettle-baths (large baths heated by fires burning below the bath like a kettle on a stove where you are the lobster) 4 additional large bathtubs, a large meeting hall and a Japanese-style isakaya 居酒屋 bar. The current owner recognizes that the days are numbered (or have already passed) for this type of business in Japan (this is not a hot spring, but is instead a neighborhood bathhouse, dating from a time when many Japanese homes did not have baths of their own and people would come to places like this in the evening to bathe) and he recommends converting the facility into a low-cost dormitory or youth hostile or even a deep-budget Airbnb.
Click here to view the listing for this property.
My name is Kurt Bell.
You can learn more about The Good Life in my book Going Alone.
Be safe... But not too safe.